International Expansion for Companies based in Taiwan: Evershine company registration, accounting, tax, payroll services assist your company to expand the business internationally.

Work Permit for Expatriates

派駐海外人員工作證, 簽證與居留證辦理服務

本項派駐海外人員工作證, 簽證與居留證辦理服務,永輝已在14國40多城市,由台灣同事與在地國同事協同為客戶提供。


聯絡人: 陳秀穎 薪資服務一部協理
電話 : +886-2-2717-0515 E600
手機 :  +886-939-357-000


All Services in China

Company Registration,
Open Bank Account,
Work Permit and Z Visa;
Payroll compliance services;
Online Accounting Services;
Payment services;
Trademark registration;
Due Diligence for M&A Project


Taiwan Tax Benefit

For enterprises that received approval for this tax benefit, the withholding tax rate on its income from Taiwan will be reduced from 20% to 3% or 2%.
Businesses whose headquarters are outside of Taiwan must apply for the tax benefit described in Article 25 of Income Tax Act with the Ministry of Finance and 15% of its business revenue within Taiwan would be the taxable income.


China Payroll Services


China Payroll Processing and Compliance Services in Major Cities ;Labor Management and compliance services; Temporary Employment Outsourcing (PEO/EOR) Services; Supported by Evershine Cloud Payroll System in Amazon Web Services.

All Services in APAC


We act as your in-house accountant supported by cloud accounting and payroll system.
We are a member of LEA and IAPA.
Our affiliated companies are located at APAC major cities.
We are featured in providing services to the overseas entities of MNC (Multi-National-Companies) parent companies.