International Expansion for Companies based in Taiwan: Evershine company registration, accounting, tax, payroll services assist your company to expand the business internationally.


We provide the payroll processing and  compliance services to overseas subsidiaries of multinational companies.
We are one member of Evershine affiliates   who currently provides one-stop services in 52+ cities of 20+ countries.
Evershine has been focusing on providing the services to overseas subsidiaries of MNCs (Multi-National Companies).
Until October 2020,  Evershine has been serving nearly 1000 customers,  one-third of parent companies of clients are listed companies.
One-stop services include: company registration, bank opening, special industry permit ,work permit, staffing, employment outsourcing (PEO),  accounting, costing, payroll and tax compliance etc.
Supported by Evershine Cloud System, we build up collaborative working environment among clients’ staff in parent side and subsidiary side , Evershine direct staff and local service partners’ staff.
Evershine services significantly reduce  about 80% air-fly  travel frequencies of clients. We are proud of our contribution on relieving global warming.

Please click  below websites to get more detailing information:
Taipei Evershine.tpe,   Xiamen Evershine.xmn,   Beijing Evershine.pek,
Shanghai Evershine.shaNew York,  San Francisco Evershine.sfo,
Tokyo Evershine.tyo,   Seoul Evershine.sel,  Hanoi Evershine .han,
Ho Chi Minh.sgn,  Bangkok Evershine.bkk,  Singapore Evershine.sin,
Kuala Lumpur.kul,   Jakarta Evershine.jkt,    Manila Evershine.mnl,
Melbourne Evershine.mel,Sydney Evershine.syd,   New Delhi Evershine.del,
Mumbai,      Frankfurt Evershine.fra, London Evershine.lon,
Toronto Evershine.yto.

We also have been providing our services in the following cities:
Kaohsiung, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Guangzhou, Qingyuan, Yongkang, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Kunshan, Nanjing, Chongqing, Xuchang, Qingdao, Tianjin, Sydney, Australia, Kuala Lumpur, India 4 cities, Vietnam, Jakarta, Manila, Turkey, Istanbul, Germany 4 cities, Paris, Amsterdam

For other cities:
If you are looking for services in other cities, please refer to websites of our international accounting association as follows IAPA( and LEA (
For any other city you wish to visit, please refer to the following two websites of global accounting service providers: IAPA  and LEA).
We are the member of above 2 international accounting associations in which we have 900 associates with 38,000 people in 450 cities
We can provide services for overseas subsidiaries of your company as long as you are located in these cities.
Please contact us by email at

China Payroll Services

China Payroll Processing and Compliance Services in Major Cities ;Labor Management and compliance services; Temporary Employment Outsourcing (PEO/EOR) Services; Supported by Evershine Cloud Payroll System in Amazon Web Services.


Taiwan Tax Benefit

For enterprises that received approval for this tax benefit, the withholding tax rate on its income from Taiwan will be reduced from 20% to 3% or 2%.
Businesses whose headquarters are outside of Taiwan must apply for the tax benefit described in Article 25 of Income Tax Act with the Ministry of Finance and 15% of its business revenue within Taiwan would be the taxable income.


All Services in China


Company Registration,
Open Bank Account,
Work Permit and Z Visa;
Payroll compliance services;
Online Accounting Services;
Payment services;
Trademark registration;
Due Diligence for M&A Project

All Services in APAC


We act as your in-house accountant supported by cloud accounting and payroll system.
We are a member of LEA and IAPA.
Our affiliated companies are located at APAC major cities.
We are featured in providing services to the overseas entities of MNC (Multi-National-Companies) parent companies.